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Who We Are

‘To inspire and support the people of Leicestershire to improve their lives through lifelong learning.’ 

Funded by the Education and Funding Agency, Leicestershire Adult Learning Service (LALS) provides formal and informal learning programmes for all adults across the County of Leicestershire.

LALS is a service within Leicestershire County Council’s Adults and Communities department. Our programmes are delivered at venues across the County, including Adult Learning centres, libraries, community centres, and some courses are also offered online. The service is regulated by Ofsted and is currently graded a GOOD service provider.

For more information about the service and our mission can be found on this page.

Leicestershire Adult Learning - Mission Statement

Leicestershire Adult Learning Service’s (LALS) mission is to improve the lives of the people of Leicestershire using education as a vehicle for social mobility and increased life chances.  We will support people, communities, and businesses to develop and engage in learning programmes to suit their needs with particular focus on the following themes:

  • Improving essential skills (English, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Maths, Digital)
  • Promoting health and wellbeing
  • Engagement and/or building confidence
  • Preparation for further learning
  • Preparation for employment
  • Career progression
  • Equipping parents/carers to support children’s learning
  • Developing stronger communities

In each of these themes we will contribute to the delivery of priorities in positive partnership with other agencies, voluntary organisations, and providers, to develop learning activities that are driven by communities and businesses across the county.  We will direct more resources towards the most vulnerable and disadvantaged and endeavour to actively engage those least likely to participate.  In doing this, we aim to play a part in equalising access to learning, achievement, and progression, and provide the best value for money for Leicestershire residents.

Our Learning Charter

What you, as a learner, can expect from us:

  • To be treated with respect and without discrimination. We will actively challenge any discriminatory behaviour
  • A welcoming and safe place to learn
  • Clear and impartial advice about learning and learning support
  • Experienced and suitably qualified tutors who teach you as an individual, offering a variety of teaching methods
  • To develop your skills as an independent learner
  • To have regular tutor feedback to help you to improve your skills and understanding
  • To provide the essential resources and materials to help you learn
  • To have your comments, compliments, concerns and complaints listened to and to know what action has been taken
  • To ensure all your personal information is kept confidential and only shared with necessary third parties with your permission


What does the Adult Learning Service expect from you?

  • To let us know if you need to miss a class so that your tutor can plan to help you
  • To arrive promptly or to let us know if there is a problem with being on time
  • To make sure we always have your up-to-date contact details, as we may need to contact you urgently
  • To talk to your tutor about your progress and anything that may affect your learning
  • If you are enrolled on one of our courses with an exam, you will be expected to take your exam in person at one of our centres. You will be required to provide photo ID on the day and may not be able to sit your exam if you don’t
  • To respond to health and safety advice and procedures
  • To use all computing and internet access safely and appropriately
  • To show consideration to all learners and staff whilst using our car-parks and speak to a member of staff if there are any issues
  • To take good care of equipment and buildings
  • To treat other learners and staff with respect at all times. We reserve the right to withdraw your place if you are verbally or physically abusive to staff or other learners
  • To give us feedback to help us to improve what we offer
  • To complete set tasks outside of your course sessions as required to aid your learning and development
  • To respond to requests for essential information, so we can plan future provision to meet the needs of the community
  • To let us know why, if you wish to withdraw from your course

Statement of Intent

Our overarching aim is to help our learners to become curious critical thinkers and equip them with the lifelong learning skills they need to flourish and live full rewarding lives.
We have high expectations for all our learners and are committed to providing a rewarding experience which will inspire continued interest in learning well beyond any immediate course goals.
Our Service Strategy ‘Delivering Wellbeing and Opportunity in Leicestershire (PDF, 983 KB)’ provides the focus for our curriculum and maps how activities contribute to the outcomes of Leicestershire County Council’s strategic plan.

Learner Centred

  • Everything we do is focused towards achieving the best outcomes for our learners and we are committed to developing a curriculum around their individual needs.
  • Our aim is to provide a broad range of inspiring courses that will help people develop subject specific, vocational and self-advocacy skills to enable them to succeed and encourage them to become more ambitious in pursuit of their goals


Self Advocacy and Independence

  • Our intention is to support learners maximise their progress in the time they study with us. Our skilled tutors will encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and help them develop their independent study skills.
  • Through our programmes, learners will become empowered to take greater control of their lives. They will develop a greater appreciation how they can influence things that have an impact on their own quality of life and the communities in which they live.  For example, programmes will include appropriate activities to raise awareness of sustainable living and promote the protection of our natural environment.

Opportunity for All

  • Equality of access is a fundamental principle for everything we do. We understand the value of providing learning locally in the community and believe programmes should not be limited to large centres. We will endeavour to maintain a good range of courses in community venues such as libraries, schools and village halls to provide accessible programmes across the county.  Where appropriate, online courses will be provided to support those that require additional flexibility to tailor learning around their busy lives.
  • We are committed to removing barriers to success and will provide appropriate resources and support to learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Informed Choices

  • We will provide comprehensive pre-course information, advice and guidance to help learners make informed choices about their learning pathways and the outcomes they can expect. This information will be provided in different formats to meet different needs.

Intent and Curriculum Design

  • We will listen to our learners and use their feedback, together with local needs analysis to design a curriculum that provides suitable progression pathways.
  • Every course will have a clear intent that identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours learners can expect to gain.
  • Learning activities will be selected to maximise the development of knowledge, skills and behaviours that learners need to thrive and succeed in their lives.
  • Tutors will plan and sequence content to accelerate progression and identify opportunities to consolidate the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
  • Tutors will contextualise learning and ensure the curriculum is current and relevant.
  • Course design will be continually reviewed and updated to ensure content is of high quality and meets learner needs.

Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

  • To achieve the overarching curriculum goal of enabling learners to become more independent and progress further, we will support individuals to develop basic skills including; English, maths and digital skills.
  • Gaps in learning will be identified through assessment activities embedded into courses and tutors will support areas for development in context of each subject area.
  • Learners will be signposted to other courses and encouraged to further develop these essential life skills.
  • We will create a safe learning environment and embed activities that develop confidence. Through these activities learners will be empowered to speak up and take control of their own wellbeing.
  • We will promote a culture of respect and trust and will challenge learners appropriately where these values are not fully embraced whilst learning with us.

Evidence Based

  • Our staff are committed to delivering a consistently high-quality learning experience that enables learners to realise their full potential.
  • Tutors will continuously update their teaching practice and subject skills to ensure they are able to design and deliver a curriculum that is evidence based and current.

Learner Charter

  • All our staff and service users have responsibilities detailed in our ‘Learning Charter’ written into the learner agreement within our learner handbook.
  • Tutors will agree ground rules which includes reference to values and expected behaviours. The benefits of regular attendance and punctuality will be discussed in  relation to learning and other aspects of work and life.


Leicestershire Adult Learning Service’s (LALS) Accountability Statement sets out the service priorities for the current academic year. The full Accountability Statement document can be found below.

Accountability Statement 2024-2025 (PDF, 154 KB)