Learner safety and wellbeing is very important to us at GoLearn! There are lots of ways that we keep you safe in your lessons as well as outside the classroom. You will see lots of information around the classroom and in your induction about everything we do. We also make sure you learn about Safeguarding and Prevent in your lessons.
Leicestershire Adult Learning Service has a statutory and moral duty to ensure it provides services to adult learners with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults who are deemed to be at risk.
So what is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means providing a safe and secure environment for you to study. It also means protecting learners from harm. There are lots of types of harm, these could be physical, sexual, discriminatory, emotional, and financial. If you think that you or anyone else is at risk of harm we want you to know who you can speak to.
You can speak to your tutor or any member of staff. All our staff are all trained to help and can refer you fully trained safeguarding staff when they need to. You can also call the number on your safeguarding and Prevent card.
So what is Prevent?
Prevent was introduced by the government in 2015. We have a duty to raise awareness of the government Prevent strategy, which aims to stop people becoming drawn into committing violent or criminal acts or supporting extremism or terrorism. If you are worried about someone showing signs of being radicalised, or if you see or hear something that concerns you, please talk to your tutor or a member of staff.
What are the Fundamental British Values?
Part of Prevent are Fundamental British Values. Fundamental British Values, sometimes shortened to ‘FBV’, underpin what it is to be a citizen in our modern world. They centre around the ideas of valuing our community and celebrating diversity in the UK. The four values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and mutual Respect and Tolerance. These may seem quite complicated, but they make sure everyone feels confident giving an opinion and speaking in class. It also means that our beliefs are respected and that we respect others’ beliefs in return.
Safeguarding is everybody’s business and is there to protect everyone at any time. There is lots of information on our website and on our virtual learning environment that you can look at. Remember if you have any concerns about yourself or others please speak to your tutor or call us on Freephone 0800 988 0308.
All learners should have a healthy, safe, supportive and inclusive environment in which to learn. To help us to achieve this aim:
All our teaching staff are checked by the disclosure and barring service (DBS) formerly known as the criminal records bureau (CRB)
We train our staff in health and safety policies and procedures, safeguarding, first aid, risk assessment and personal safety
We make sure that you always know how to leave the building safely if there is an emergency incident (lockdown) or a fire drill
We ask that you respond positively to your tutor’s advice about safe practice in your learning environment. For example when using specialist materials or equipment
Drive and park on sites with care – there may be children in the area
Please note that parking spaces for disabled people are for use of blue badge holders only
We are all responsible for our own health and safety, and the health and safety of others, so please let us know promptly if you identify anything that might be a danger or hazard, or if you have any concerns about your own safety or the safety of others
We have a duty to raise awareness of the government Prevent strategy, which aims to stop people becoming drawn into committing violent or criminal acts or supporting extremism or terrorism. If you are worried about someone showing signs of being radicalised, or if you see or hear something that concerns you please talk to your tutor or contact Elliot White (Designated Safeguarding Lead) on freephone 0800 988 0308.
‘If you see something, say something’ – your concerns will be taken seriously and treated in confidence.
Abuse can take many forms: physical, sexual, discriminatory, psychological, emotional or financial. We want our learners to feel able to discuss their concerns with a member of staff in confidence.
If you have concerns about your own safety, or the safety of someone you know, please talk to your tutor or contact Elliot White (Designated Safeguarding Lead) on freephone 0800 988 0308.
Safeguarding is everybody’s business.
Fundamental British Values
As an organisation we believe in and promote the four Fundamental British Values, which are defined as:
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith
We believe people of all races and cultures including those with or without faith should behave with mutual respect and tolerance. We are all subject to British civil and criminal law and are proud to be part of a democracy encouraging individual liberty.
Also see
Leicester Safeguarding Adults Board
Multi-Agency Policies and Procedures (MAPP) resource for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs).
Reporting abuse to protect adults at risk is everyone’s business. We all have a duty to report concerns if we think someone is being abused or neglected.
Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project (LAMP)
Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project mission is to navigate people through the complexities of mental health support and empower them to rebuild their lives.
The St Philip’s Centre approach to Prevent is to empower local communities to develop resilience to extremism and have the strength to challenge all forms of extremism when it does arise.