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Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship (ST0005)

Adult Care Workers are the frontline staff who help adults with care and support needs to achieve their personal goals and live as independently and safely as possible, enabling them to have control and choice in their lives.

More information about Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship (ST0005)

Business Administrator Apprenticeship (ST0070)

Business administrators have a highly transferable set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be applied in all sectors. This includes small and large businesses alike; from the public sector, private sector and charitable sector.

More information about Business Administrator Apprenticeship (ST0070)

Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship (ST0072)

Providing customer service products and services for businesses and other organisations including face-to-face, telephone, digital and written contact and communications.

More information about Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship (ST0072)

Early Years Educator Apprenticeship (ST0135)

Early Years Educators, and other job roles such as nursery nurse and childminders, are highly trained professionals who play a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. They work in a range of settings including full day care, children’s centres, pre schools, reception classes and as childminders. They may either be working on their own or supervising others to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by Government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.

More information about Early Years Educator Apprenticeship (ST0135)

Level 3 Award in Education & Training (AET)

The Level 3 Award in Education and Training (known as the AET) is an ideal foundation course for anyone looking to teach in the Further Education sector which includes adult community learning and voluntary organisations. The course is a great start to your teaching career and will provide you with the fundamental skills required for being a successful teacher. The AET is a recognised and valuable qualification for the FE sector.

More information about Level 3 Award in Education & Training (AET)

Level 3 Preparing to Work in Home Based Childcare

The Level 3 Award in Preparing to Work in Home Based Childcare is an essential course for anyone looking to set up a home based childcare setting as a registered childminder. The Level 3 Award in Preparing to Work in Home Based Childcare qualification has been developed in collaboration with the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY).

More information about Level 3 Preparing to Work in Home Based Childcare

Payroll Administrator Apprenticeship (ST0073)

Aimed at payroll professionals working in the day-to-day processing of payroll either in-house or as a bureau service. Payroll Administrator apprentices are typically either new to the role, are in post but lack comprehensive experience across all fields of the role or are experienced but lack formal qualifications. This apprenticeship covers all key areas of payroll processing including: foundations of payroll, pensions, technical aspects, (such as manual calculations of build-to-gross and gross-to-net pay), regulations and compliance, systems and processes.

More information about Payroll Administrator Apprenticeship (ST0073)

Payroll Assistant Manager Apprenticeship (ST0869)

Aimed at experienced or qualified payroll managers who are responsible for leading a team of payroll administrators. A Payroll Assistant Manager may be new to this role, are being promoted, or have been in post for some time but require formalised education in the subject. This apprenticeship typically lasts for 24 months and covers: principles of payroll, leading and developing payroll functions (including business change), legislation, managing payroll teams, industry models, risks and opportunities, developing procedures, case law and process improvements.

More information about Payroll Assistant Manager Apprenticeship (ST0869)

Specialist Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship (ST1414)

Specialist teaching assistants support provision related to special educational needs and disability (SEND), the social and emotional well-being, of learners, or within another area of specialist curriculum provision such as forest schools, EAL, subject-based interventions or music education. This occupation is found in primary, secondary, special schools, alternative provision, further education institutions such as sixth forms and colleges, and a range of other education settings such as music hubs.

More information about Specialist Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship (ST1414)

Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship (ST0454)

The Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship is a work-based learning programme which will give your employees the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to support learning effectively in your school. Teaching Assistants are found in primary, secondary, special schools, alternative provision, and further education institutions such as sixth forms and colleges. Teaching Assistants work across all age ranges, supporting all learners.

More information about Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship (ST0454)

Team Leader or Supervisor Apprenticeship (ST0384)

A team leader or ​supervisor is a first line management role, with operational and project responsibilities or responsibility for managing a team to deliver a clearly defined outcome.

More information about Team Leader or Supervisor Apprenticeship (ST0384)