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Employability Skills
Our Employability courses are specially designed to support anyone wishing to gain skills and qualifications which directly support you to improve, or gain, employment opportunities.
If you are looking to learn IT skills for everyday life, we have a range of introductory courses which are perfect for absolute beginners… and those looking to gain a little more confidence. Many of these courses are FREE and can be tailored to your individual needs. All Employability courses include links to our GoLearn! Learning and Work Advisors who can support you with a FREE and impartial Information, Advice and Guidance session to discuss your future learning and work goals.
Search our Employability Courses
Support for Businesses
If you are part of an organisation going through a period of change or growth, our Employability courses can provide support for your employees or colleagues.
Including the qualifications and courses listed in this leaflet, we can also provide Digital Skills, English, Maths and ESOL courses, alongside a wide range of apprenticeship standards, all aimed at supporting your team to succeed. We also offer courses to support and maintain mental health and resilience, which can form a valuable part of your staff wellbeing offer.
Our employer offer is competitively priced, delivered by qualified adult learning tutors, and can be tailored to your business needs. Contact us on for more information or to arrange an informal conversation with a member of the team.
If you need more information, want to discuss levels and course content, or wish to enrol, you can visit our Learning Centres in-person, call our FREEphone Enrolment Line or email us on the details listed below.
- 0800 988 0308
If you need help with your choice of learning, training, career, work and life goals, please book an appointment with one of our Learning and Work Advisors who can provide free, 1:1, impartial advice.
Employability Courses

CV Writing
Having a CV when you are looking for a new job is a real advantage – it’s a document that lists your experience and work history and can help to promote your skills to potential employers. If you need a CV to progress into work or wish to refresh an existing CV but not sure how to tackle it, then this is the course for you. Learn how to construct a productive CV that can really get you noticed!
More information on CV Writing 
Application Forms
This short course will introduce you to completing job application forms for a range of employment opportunities. Discover ways to complete application forms effectively and promote your yourself to let employers know you are available for work.`
More information on Application Forms
Food Safety in Catering (Level 2)
Food safety training is a requirement for all businesses that handle food, including restaurants, hospitals and shops. This qualification will ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the principles of cleanliness, hygiene, and food safety to work within a professional catering environment.
More information on Food Safety in Catering (Level 2)
Emergency First Aid at Work (Level 3)
The Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) is a practical course suitable for anyone working in a busy workplace setting. This qualifications-based course will ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with a range of emergency situations. It is delivered as a full 1-day course.
More information on Emergency First Aid at Work (Level 3)
Work & Skills Leicestershire
If you need help with finding work or training, our Work and Skills team may be able to help you. This is a free service available to anyone living in Leicestershire.
More information on Work & Skills LeicestershireOther courses you may be interested in

English and Maths
Whether you are looking to brush-up on the basics, grow your confidence, or gain a qualification, our English and maths courses give you with the knowledge, skills and support you need to succeed.
More information on English and Maths
Digital Skills
Whether you are a complete beginner or want to grow your skills we have something for you! Our courses can give you both recognised qualifications that employers are looking for, and useful skills for everyday life.
More information on Digital Skills
Apprenticeships and Work Based Training
We have a track record of delivering a high quality and flexible work-based training services to employers which include the delivery of: apprenticeship standards, standalone and wider skills qualifications, and wellbeing courses.
More information on Apprenticeships and Work Based Training
British Sign Language
British Sign Language (BSL) is used by approximately 150,000 people in the UK. Learning BSL is a powerful skill which allows you to communicate with deaf colleagues, friends and family.
More information on British Sign Language
Learning for Wellbeing
Discover a new passion for creativity or get fitter this year by taking part in a course from the Learning for Wellbeing programme. On our courses, you will find a like-minded, supportive community, build confidence, make new friendships and a lot more.
More information on Learning for Wellbeing
Family Learning
Family Learning classes are taught at libraries, Children’s Family and Wellbeing Centres, schools, online and in the community. Courses are designed to help you support your child’s education journey, by learning how your child is taught in school while you also develop your own knowledge.
More information on Family Learning
Learning a new language provides you with a new appreciation of diverse cultures and a new skill that can be used for business, work, holidays, and family life.
More information on Languages
Learn at the following venues