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Learning for Independence

We offer a wide range of courses for adults with learning disabilities, providing opportunities for individuals to develop skills and knowledge in key areas including:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Work and volunteering
  • Independence
  • Creativity
  • Engaging with the community
  • Communication
  • Numeracy
  • Literacy

Search Learning for Independence Courses

Before enrolling every individual is offered one-to-one information, advice, and guidance with our specialist coordinators so that we can identify starting points and goals for the future. This also ensures that the most beneficial and relevant course of learning is chosen and learners have the appropriate support to succeed.  

Learning is delivered through practical and engaging learning activities which encourage learners to be self-advocates, make choices, become more independent, express opinions and work with others developing valuable skills that can be transferred outside of the classroom. Learners benefit from a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment where mutual respect is embedded.  

Learners progress to become more confident and independent in their everyday lives and may continue further learning, move on to volunteering or employment after attending courses. 

If you need more information, or want to discuss our Learning for Independence courses you can visit our Learning Centres in-person, or contact us on the details below.

  • 0800 988 0308
  • If you do not feel able to get in contact with us yourself, you can ask a friend, family member or support worker to make first contact on your behalf.
  • Information, advice, and guidance is available during our longer courses to support you to identify your next steps which might include continuing your learning journey with further courses, volunteering, or employment.

Courses available

A tutor and a learner learning difficulties are laughing together.

Health, Personal Safety & Wellbeing

Courses that enable you to find out about and act upon: - Your health; - Personal exercise programmes; - Shopping and preparing food; - Planning personal leisure activities; - Being responsible for personal safety; - Increasing self confidence and esteem; - Working outdoors.

More information on Health, Personal Safety & Wellbeing
Learner is standing in front of a green field on a sunny day holding a litter-picker he has been using to pick up litter around his local area.

Skills for Employment & Volunteering

Courses to help you understand, learn and practice some of the skills you need in the world of work and volunteering.

More information on Skills for Employment & Volunteering
Learner is sitting at a desk with his learning support assistant and posing for the camera.

Independent Living Skills

This may then help you to: - Become more independent; - Enjoy and understand your community; - Speak up for yourself; - Understand your money; - Improve self confidence and self-esteem; - Make choices.

More information on Independent Living Skills
Learners wearing the costumes they have made are lined up ready to rehearse the play they have been learning.

Creative Skills

Courses suited to adults who would like to learn to use their leisure time creatively. You will have the opportunity to work on individual and group based projects based on: - Music; - Art; - Drama and dance.

More information on Creative Skills
A learner with learning difficulties presents his work to the rest of the class.


Courses that help you to progress with, and become more confident with, every aspect of communication including; - Using computers for leisure and citizenship; - Speaking up for yourself and making choices; - Speaking and listening; - Listening and responding; - Reading, listening and responding.

More information on Communication
DSCN1225 Scaled Aspect Ratio 640 340

Sensory Learning

All of these courses are suitable for Adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. Suited to learners who have complex difficulties who would benefit from sensory learning experiences planned to include: - Your health; - Personal exercise programmes; - Shopping and preparing food; - Planning personal leisure activities; - Being responsible for personal safety; - Increasing self confidence and esteem; - Working outdoors.

More information on Sensory Learning