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Financial Support

Many GoLearn courses are funded for FREE to all through the Department of Education. Fee paying courses can cost anywhere between £3.30 per hour to £9.90 per hour, depending on the subject. Depending on your circumstances, your course may be FREE or you may be eligible to pay a 70% Reduced Fee; and a learner support fund is available to help cover the cost of childcare, transport, resources, and exam fees (where applicable).

Am I eligible for Fee Remission?

We do everything we can to make learning affordable to everyone. The Full Fee detailed on our course pages is an already subsidised cost which takes into account the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s contribution to your learning. For some courses, such as our English and maths, Family Learning and Mental Health curriculums, our courses are FREE to all learners who have never previously attended those courses, or achieved a similar learning aim.

For courses which do have fees attached, we offer a 70% or 100% fee reduction for learners who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford their learning. To be eligible for either the 70% Reduced Fee, or to attend your course for FREE, you would need to fall into one of the 3 fee remission categories detailed below. Our Fee Remission categories are set in-line with the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s rules, and are subject to change. Call us on Freephone 0800 988 0308, or visit us in-person at one of our centres, if you need advice.

State Benefits

Our courses are free if you are in receipt of:

  • Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit and your take-home pay as recorded on your Universal Credit statement (disregarding Universal Credit payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole adult claim) or £1,437 a month (joint benefit claim)

If you are in receipt of other state benefits, or Universal Credit, but your take-home pay is above £892 a month (sole adult claim) or £1,437 a month (joint benefit claim), then you could be entitled to enrol on your course at the 70% Reduced Fee price.

If the course is relevant to your employment prospects, you could be eligible to attend for FREE if you are:

  • in receipt of state benefits and your take-home pay as recorded on your Universal Credit statement (disregarding Universal Credit payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole adult claim) or £1,437 a month (joint benefit claim)
  • not in receipt of state benefits but want to be employed, and the course is relevant to your employment prospects
Earnings Threshold

If your earnings from work are less than £25,000 (before deductions), you can apply to do an accredited course for FREE (when we say ‘accredited course’ we mean a course which is expected to gain you a formal qualification of some kind. This could be a qualification at Entry, Level 1 or Level 2, and may also include some Level 3 courses – but not all.)

You will need to provide evidence of your salary within two weeks of starting the course, such as a wage slip, Universal Credit statement, or current employment contract.


If you are not in receipt of state benefits, but your annual income is below £26,211.90 (before deductions), you may be entitled to pay the 70% Reduced Cost for your course. In some cases, your course may be FREE.

Can I pay by instalments?

If your course fees are over £50 you can break the cost of study up into a number of easy payments.
The number of instalments you can pay in varies depending on the amount you need to pay and the length of the course. Any materials and exam fees will need to be paid upfront as part of the first instalment. Instalment plans need to be put in place by our Enrolment team, so if you wish to pay by instalments, please contact us on Freephone 0800 988 0308 or by email at to enrol.

The number of instalments you can pay in, varies depending on the amount you need to pay and the length of the course. The table below details the numbers of instalments you can pay for a course in:

Total course fees: Course is 5 weeks or less: Course is between 6 – 10 weeks: Course is 10 weeks or more:
£50 – £125 2 instalments
(60%, 40%)
2 instalments
(60%, 40%)
2 instalments
(60%, 40%)
£126 – £200 2 instalments
(60%, 40%)
3 instalments
(50%, 25%, 25%)
3 instalments
(50%, 25%, 25%)
£201+ 2 instalments
(60%, 40%)
3 instalments
(50%, 25%, 25%)
4 instalments
(40%, 20%, 20%, 20%)

Payment by Instalment – Terms and Conditions

All payments are subject to the following conditions;-

  1. You agree that by authorising payment by instalments, you are authorised to use the credit/debit card for the payment or payments that you are making
  2. By accepting these terms, you authorise us to charge the debit/credit card account you have provided for the instalment term you have selected.
  3. You agree that there will either be sufficient funds available under the credit card limit or sufficient funds in the debit card account to make the card payments when they fall within the agreed instalment dates.

You further agree that :-

  1. Where an instalment arrangement is set up to make payments by recurring card payment, we will notify you, or a third party making the payment, of the dates on which the payment/s will be made, or may contact you to make a payment.
  2. Instalments falling on a weekend or public holiday will be payable the next working day.
  3. Instalments unpaid, for whatever reason will be tried within 5 working days if direct debit has been set up. If the instalment fails the second time the payment will not be tried again and this payment by instalments Agreement will be cancelled and payment will be expected in full.
  4. We will not refund instalments due or initial bank charges unless due to an error by us.
  5. If in the event you are unhappy with the services provided at any stage of your course or require further Data Protection information, please refer to the learner handbook for further guidance

Support With Costs

At GoLearn, we know that course fees alone are not the only financial costs learners face. Our Discretionary Learner Support Fund (DLSF) is available to help cover the hidden cost of learning like childcare, transport, resources, and exam fees.

You can claim up to £446 (per child) to help cover the cost of childcare whilst you are in class, up to £128 to cover the cost of transport, and up to £64 to cover resources like textbooks and stationery. If your exam fees are not already included in your course costs, you may also be able to use the DLSF to cover this cost.

All claim limits detailed above are per course, per term. So, if you are enrolled onto two courses with GoLearn! in one term, then your claim limit for transport would be £256 for that term (£128 multiplied by 2). Childcare claim limit is also per child.

Rules and eligibility criteria apply and, if you would like more information, please click the link below to view and download our DLSF Flyer, or call us on freephone 0800 988 0308. Alternatively, you can email us at and we can arrange a suitable time to call you.

GoLearn! Discretionary Learning Support Fund 2024/25 (PDF, 402 KB)

Useful Links

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Privacy Notices & Policies

This page lists the internal policies which set-out how we, as service, will make decisions in any given situation. Policy documents give us a framework to help ensure that we are treating everyone equally, and that our decisions don’t unfairly exclude or restrict access to our services.

More information about 'Privacy Notices & Policies'
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Document Library

Here is our one-stop-shop to help you find digital versions of current service literature. You can click to view and download documents as needed. If you would like more information on any of the courses listed in the literature below, you can call us on freephone 0800 988 0308, or…

More information about 'Document Library'
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Refund Policy

Below is a PDF copy of our Refund Policy. Refund Policy (PDF, 94 KB)

More information about 'Refund Policy'