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Online Courses

You can learn from the comfort of your own home with one of our online courses.

Our online courses utilise Microsoft Teams to give you a fully interactive and immersive learning experience without having to attend one of our centres in person.

Support for online learning courses is available from your tutor, who will be able to support you to get online if needed. Your homework, independent study and classes are all delivered virtually and you will have regular contact with your tutor via email and telephone 1:1s as needed for the courses.

For courses which require a face to face assessment, you may still need to visit one of our learning centres for your exam. Your tutor will advise you of this well in advance, and if travel is an issue for you, please discuss it at the time.

For courses which require a face to face assessment, you may still need to visit one of our learning centres for your exam. Your tutor will advise you of this well in advance, and if travel is an issue for you, please discuss it at the time.